So recently I was asked how my husband and I met. This is how the story goes...
In the fall of 1998 we were both asked to be an International Buddy at Lock Haven University. An International Buddy is a LHU student who has been attending LHU and then partnered up with an exchange student. We had this meeting we had to attend before we got our buddies. I walked to the meeting with another girl from my floor of North Hall. She started taking to this hunky guy wearing a Penguins hat- so since she knew him I asked who he was and so forth. We we finally got our buddy it just so happened that we both got partner with 2 girls from a college in France that were friends. So we planned some things to do with this girls as a group. Well one night Andy called me up and asked me to go for a walk- I said "sure let me call the girls"- and his reply was "No just you and me". So off on our walk we went- towards the end of it we ended up sitting on a bench talking when he leaned in and kissed me... and the rest is history!
Twelve years later we are getting ready to celebrated our 7th wedding anniversary.
Have you ever been just sitting next to your partner and in the complete silence you fall in love all over again? Its a great thing that no matter how rough things are and how many ups and downs you go through those feelings are still there.
A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person.
~Mignon McLaughlin
Jessica, that is SO sweet! It sounds a little like our story too -- how funny! Thank you for sharing and congratulations on 7 years!